Drama Collective

Drama Classes - Theatre Productions

Summer 2022 Online Radio Drama Club

Join some of our regular members and new found friends this August for a spot of online radio fun…

Ideal for children and teens between ages 8-18 years old

  • who are into drama and multi-media
  • who would like to experience a new way to develop vocal skills and characterisation
  • who may like a bit of a confidence booster whilst having fun and making new friends
  • who like to participate in online activities

Cost is £60 per person and places are limited so book a place now. Simply send an email to enquiry@dramacollective.com or get in touch via our contact form.

“It’s great fun and it’s nice to experience a different side of the performing arts.”

Find out more by clicking on the below image:

Lewes Drama Collective Summer Radio Drama Club 2022

For more details, visit our event listing page and be sure to follow us on Facebook for more updates.


All participants may enjoy a free taster session at any of our weekly drama groups.

For any questions and to find out more, please send an email to enquiry@dramacollective.com.

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